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Brain Training

Low self-esteem, lack of confidence, an inability to focus, panic attacks and/or feeling a bit lost or all at sea are all signs that you need to put some work in to your brain training.

When you are mentally and emotionally in a twist, your body will suffer too.  Then you physically and energetically feel bleurgh, which makes you mentally struggle even more.  You need to break the cycle.

We all have moments where we need support or someone to give us a proverbial kick up the backside. I have mentors that help me both with work and life in general.  And all the work I share with clients is work I have done for myself over the years as once upon a time I had zero self-esteem, confidence or direction.  And yes, even those of you who are referred to as ‘the strong one’ can benefit from personal coaching.   In fact you are the ones who often need the ear of a no-nonsense coach like me the most.  You are so busy taking on everyone else’s sh*t that you forget to look after yourself.

Now if you have read this far it will not have escaped your notice that I am, perhaps, not quite as ‘fluffy’ as your average personal development coach.  I make no apology for that, well, maybe for the mild swear words but if we are going to work together you may need to get used to them!  I am who I am, I have pretended to be the fluffy version and it got me nowhere as my heart wasn’t in it – and that is what I want to help you discover, who the real you is and what she/he truly wants and needs.

So this straight talking, no fancy terminology using, person is the real me.  That said, I am a qualified coach (subjects are listed here) and a pretty damned good one too.  I promise, beneath this perhaps brusque exterior lies an empathetic, intuitive, yet butt-kicking personal development coach ready to help you to become the very best version of yourself.

I love working with new people (and you lovely existing clients too!) and offer a range of ways we can do that from group Zoom calls, private phone or video sessions and lots of self-study courses and books.  You can find more information on an actual coaching session here, but please, if have any questions meantime do drop me an email or give me a call.