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Rider Confidence

Also know as ‘How To Find Your Brave Pants’

Welcome, welcome, welcome!  So, you need to get yourself a new pair of Brave Pants huh?  Or perhaps you just need your current pair adjusted so they fit better?  Well you couldn’t have come to a better place.  In my book and my courses I share with you a whole array of tips, tools and techniques that have helped me and hundreds of clients to date.

And yes, I did say they help me.  Even to this day I still need to adjust my Brave Pants sometimes.  And do you know what, that is important lesson number one – it is ok to not be ok some days.  Honestly, it is.  And do you know what else?  That doesn’t make you a wimp, pathetic, undeserving of a horse, useless, and/or whatever other terms you (or those supposedly helpful friends of yours) use to describe yourself.  Normal.  You are normal but with the added extra of actually having the guts to admit you feel apprehensive.

So, if you are interested in know some more pop over to my sales site and have a look at the self-study rider confidence course 

If reading is more your thing, my book ‘How To Find Your Brave Pants’ is available in print or eBook format worldwide from Amazon.

Also, keep an eye out in the Diary section for group courses coming up. Or, if you would like to schedule one for your friends, riding club, any other group of people! then please just get in touch.

how to find your brave pants