Well here we are in 2021 already. Some of you will have decided that you are going to be getting your shit together in 2021 – great plan! But how you going to do it? From experience, just sitting down with a fancy new diary and an early January enthusiasm may not be enough.
And that is exactly why I created my How To Get Your Shit Together course and book. You see, to me, getting it together doesn’t mean having a reorganize of your underwear drawer and spending hours creating a beautiful vision board (I do like vision boards, but more on that in a mo). I personally think you are better off spending time de-cluttering your mind, getting to know yourself, working to your strengths rather than trying to fix a ‘weakness’, and generally putting some effort into turning your mind into a finely tuned machine are the best places to start.
I have spent years doing just that and feel so much better for it. What I’ve done for you is to take all the hours of reading I’ve done and condensed it into no-nonsense, to the point, books and courses. If you’re interested my kindle book is on Amazon or you can find it in PDF format in the store along with the self-study course.
Whether you do my course or do your own thing my top tips for you are:
OK, so that is just a little 2021 kick start. Hope you enjoyed!
Sue x
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