May 2020. Life has probably changed a lot for many of you over recent months. Some of that change may have been good for you. Some heart-breaking. Some stressful. You may have dealt with it well or struggled.
My life changed dramatically in Nov 2019 when I got injured and couldn’t work. You could say I was in lock-down prep way before the rest of the world. I sunk right down, my main income is from physical work which I couldn’t, and still cannot, do. It would not be too over the top to say a deep depression was looming.
For some reason, one day I managed to flick the switch. It dawned on me that what was happening was an opportunity, albeit a damned painful one!
The change imposed on me, and now on you, allowed me to revaluate. Read those words again. Imposed – none of us asked or wanted what has happened, we were all powerless to do anything. Now you could choose to be negative about the situation, to bitch and moan about it. I am not belittling the pain and suffering you may have had, just trying to help you through by flicking your attitude switch too.
So, allowed – at some point towards the end of December I opted to look on the situation I was in as a positive, I chose to alter my thought patterns. I viewed the situation as an opportunity; life had been paused which allowed me time. Time to think, time to plan, time to write, time to rest.
As I started to plan, I signed up to a nine-month business mentoring programme. It costs quite a lot of money, something I don’t have much spare of with not working for so long, but I allowed my intuition to guide me and it has been invaluable so far. We all need a sounding board, someone to help us see the wood from the trees but this programme has given me even more. It has encouraged me to build my business back up in a way which feeds my soul, not just my bank account.
This post about change is to encourage you to do the same. To view this time of change as a positive. To explore what this pause has given to you. Clarity perhaps? A realisation that life pre-lockdown wasn’t working for you? Or maybe it was but you were so busy living ‘in’ it that you didn’t stop to appreciate it.
If you decide to make changes and need someone to help, then I am here. I will encourage you and support you. My aim is to help you to not fear change, but to embrace it with gratitude and excitement.
Sue xx
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